Young Savers Club
April is National Credit Union Youth Month

This year's theme for Credit Union Youth Month is “Save Away for a Rainy Day,” because when kids learn about the importance of saving money for the future, they are laying the foundation for financial success!
Youth month is all about encouraging children to develop good money habits. At Landmark Credit Union, we want our young members to recognize the value of savings, and encourage them to begin making smart financial decisions at any age. If you don't have a Young Savers account already we encourage you to stop by any of our 3 locations and open one for $5.00!
With every NEW Young Savers account opened in the month of April they will receive a building block bank, because when kids learn about the importance of saving money for the future, they are building the foundation for financial success!
Young Savers Coloring Contest
For the month of April, we are hosting a coloring contest! Download the coloring page using the link below, Simply have your child color it, put there name and age on the back of the coloring sheet, then bring it to one of our branches, or email it to us at Please have the coloring pages turned into any Landmark office by 4:30pm. on Tuesday, April 30th. The drawings and judging of the coloring contest will be held on May 1st.
Coloring Contest: Young Savers 12 and under can participate in our coloring contest. prizes will be awarded in four age groups: 1-3 Years Old, 4-6 Years Old, 7-9 Years Old, and 10-12 Years Old. Each winner will receive a $25.00 deposit into their Landmark credit Union Young Savers account and a rainy-day coloring book with crayons.
Start Saving Today! Learn to Save, Spend and Share
Landmark Credit Union’s Young Saver’s Club is open to any member from birth through the age of seventeen. This account must be opened by an adult for the child. Dividends are posted monthly and a monthly statement is available.